Advanced Major Project list for ECE and EEE

List of Advanced Major Project for ECE and EEE 

These are the below 150 advanced IOT major ECE and EEE Major projects developed for B.Tech/M.Tech Students. 

1 Smart garbage canister city operations. 

2 Agri-bot: robot. 

3 Swatch Bharat – washroom cleaning robot 

4 Smart trolly for easy charging utilizing a raspberry pi and IOT. 

5 Industry Product arranging machine with weight identification over the conveyor belt. 

6 Advance surveillance robot utilizing a raspberry pi. 

7 Intruder alert system: IOT based home security with E-mail and photograph utilizing a raspberry pi. 

8 Web application based home mechanization utilizing a raspberry pi. 

9 Smart wireless notice board show over IOT. 

10 Vehicle security system with engine bolting and alerting over GSM. 

11 Smart cost square with RFID based entryway opening system and balance alerting over the message. 

12 Smart Medicine pill box: Remainder with voice and show for emergency patients. Video 

13 Accident identification based alerting area over GSM and GPS. 

14 Railway Track Pedestrian Crossing between Platforms (Movable and flexible railroad platform). 

15 Greenhouse observing and Weather station checking over IOT 

16 Smart assistive device for deaf and idiotic people. 

17 Semi-independent Garbage collecting robot. 

18 Solar power based grass cutting and pesticides asking robot. 

19 Automatic movable street divider with traffic detection and presenting information on IOT 

20 Automatic vehicle washing and drying machine with conveyor support. 

21 Real-time voice robotization system for the college department. 

22 Patient health observing over IOT 

23 Automatic gear moving mechanism for bikes. 

24 A Smart Helmet For Air Quality And Hazardous Event Detection For The Mining Industry over wireless Zigbee 

25 Semi-self-sufficient firefighting robot with android application control. 

26 Smart Wearables: Emergency alerting with area over GSM for women’s. 

27 Smart movable travel luggage pack. 

28 Building savvy cities: Automatic gas cylinder booking over GSM with user alert. 

29 Automation of dry-wet residue collection to help Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan and observing over the internet of things (IoT) 

30 Smart street lights and flaw area observing in the cover over IoT 

31 GSM based notice show with voice announcements. 

32 IOT based shrewd water system 

33 Smart cities: Traffic information checking over IoT for easy transportation/alternative route selection 

34 Dam gate level checking for water resource examination and dam gate authority over IoT 

35 Public water meter units checking and controlling water valve over IoT 

36 Density-based traffic signal system with auto traffic light change for VIP vehicles/ambulance 

37 Wi-Fi based Wireless Device control for Industrial Automation Using Arduino 

38 Ghat street opposite the vehicle alerting system with sound and vibration over the android application. 

39 RFID based attendance recording and checking over IOT 

40 Smart settlement: RFID based gate security system, street lights, and water siphon mechanization. 

41 Water Boat for surveillance and video and sound 

42 Smart downpour analyzer with GSM and a noisy siren. 

43 Smart bike. 

44 Smart wheelchair with android application control. 

45 Home mechanization over WiFi utilizing Android application. 

46 Intelligent visually impaired stick with SMS alert 

47 performance enquiry system utilizing GSM. 

48 Automatic plant watering and tank water level alert system 

49 Swacch Bharat mission robot: Smart Mosquito trope 

50 Dual pivot sun powered following robot for surveillance with IP camera 

51 Rocker-bogie suspension system 

52 GSM convention Integrated Energy Management System 

53 Home robotization utilizing Android application 

54 Merrain route robot 

55 Drainage pipe cleaning robot 

56 RFID and fingerprint-based library mechanization 

57 Classroom robotization utilizing Android application 

58 Intelligent vehicle leaving utilizing robotics technic 

59 robotization utilizing GSM (soil moisture level control and engine control) 

60 solar based grass cutting robot by obstacle keeping away from and way arranging 

61 Meriane route robot 

62 Glass cleaning robot 

63 Hotel Automation utilizing line following robot and android application 

64 Advanced Supervisory Security Management System For ATM’s Using GSM& MEMS 

65 Touch Panel Based Industrial Device Management System For Handicapped Persons 

66 Modern public garden 

67 Hotel mechanization for ordering and charging 

68 Advanced leaving system showing nearest accessibility for leaving your vehicle 

69 College transport information to students 

70 Automatic efficient street light controller utilizing RTC and LDR 

71 Head movement controlled vehicle driving system to help the genuinely challenged 

72 Patient health checking (heartbeat and internal heat level) with specialist alert reporting over the internet of things (IoT) 

73 Breath and Lungs health analyzer with Respiratory analyzer over the internet of things (IoT) 

74 Movable street divider for organized vehicular traffic light with checking over the internet of things (IoT) 

75 Automation of dry-wet residue collection to help Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan and checking over the internet of things (IoT) 

76 Automatic movable rail line platform with train appearance detection and checking over the internet of things (IoT) 

77 Automatic plant water system with dry/wet soil sense and controlling 230V 

78 water siphon for horticultural applications and checking over the internet of things (IoT) 

79 Weather station observing over the internet of things (IoT) 

80 Arduino Based Foot step power generation system for provincial energy application to run AC and DC loads 

81 RFID security access control system Using Arduino 

82 RFID based financial system for secured exchange 

83 Construction of Central Control Unit for Irrigation water siphons. A practical method to control entire villager’s water siphons with user level authentication 

84 RFID based Library Automation System utilizing AT89S52 

85 Prepaid coffee dispenser with biometric recharge utilizing fingerprint 

86 Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection and Messaging System utilizing GSM and GPS 

87 Blind Person Navigation system utilizing GPS and Voice announcement 

88 Hand gesture based wheelchair movement control for the disabled utilizing (Micro Electro Sensor) MEMS technology 

89 Fish culture mechanization with auto pumping, temperature control, and food feeding 

90 bomb disposable robot with Infrared remote control 

91 Defense robot with CAM and GSM for high-hazard rescue operations 

92 solar based defense cleaning robot with self-governing charging and route 

93 Automatic ambulance rescue system utilizing GPS 

94 Bi-pedal humanoid for military operations 

95 Advanced college electronics mechanization utilizing raspberry pi (IOT) 

96 Solar based garbage cleaning robot with time opening arrangement 

97 solar based robot for garden grass cutting and watering the plants. 

98 Under pipe traveling robot to detect Gas line leakage and RFID address route to cover over IoT 

99 Loco pilot operated unmanned rail route gate control to prevent accidents over the Internet of Things 

100 Smart street lights and flaw area checking in the cover over IoT 

101 Patient health checking (heartbeat and internal heat level) with specialist alert reporting over the internet of things (IoT) 

102 Breath and Lungs health analyzer with Respiratory analyzer over IoT 

103 Non-invasive Blood Pressure Remote Monitoring over the internet of things (IoT) 

104 Building brilliant cities: Automatic gas cylinder booking over IoT 

105 IoT answers for brilliant cities: Garbage dustbin management system and reporting to city authorities over IoT 

106 Public water supply matrix checking to abstain from tampering and waterman misrepresentation utilizing the Internet of Things 

107 Movable street divider for organized vehicular traffic signal with observing over the internet of things (IoT) 

108 Automation of dry-wet residue collection to help Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan and observing over the internet of things (IoT) 

109 RFID based pesticides dosing with programmed plant water system for agriculture applications 

110 Construction of Central Control Unit for Irrigation water siphons. A savvy method to control entire villager’s water siphons with user level authentication 

111 Direction control of photovoltaic panel as indicated by the sun direction for greatest power following (Model Sunflower) 

112 Photovoltaic E-Uniform with Peltier plate thermo cool technology for soldiers who work at extremely high temperature or extremely low temperature to heat up or cool down internal heat level 

113 Agricultural sunlight based fence security with programmed water system and voice announcement alert on PIR live human detection 

114 Aerodynamic windmill with reverse charge protection for provincial power generation applications with battery voltage analyser 

115 Footstep power generation system for provincial energy application 

116 Automatic movable railroad platform with train appearance detection 

117 Intelligent vehicle wash system with infrared closeness sensor triggered conveyor belt arrangement utilizing AT89S52 MCU 

118 Super sensitive Industrial Security System with Auto dialer and 60dB uproarious siren utilizing AT89S52 MCU 

119 Gesture Controlled Speaking Micro Controller for the deaf and idiotic 

120 Density-based traffic signal system with auto traffic light progress for VIP vehicles/ambulance 

121 Wireless Speech Recognition enabled keen home computerization for the visually impaired and actually challenged 

122 Under pipe traveling robot to detect Gas line leakage and RFID address route to cover over IoT 

123 Dam gate level observing for water resource investigation and dam gate power over IoT 

124 Programmable temperature screen and controller for modern boilers and ovens with 

125 live observing in cover over internet of things 

126 Automatic Room Light control with Visitor Counting for power saving applications and 

127 monitoring in cover over internet of things 

128 Patient health observing in cloud (heartbeat and internal heat level) with specialist 

130 Breath and Lungs health analyzer with Respiratory analyzer over internet of things (IoT) 

131 Parking opening accessibility check and booking system over IoT 

132 Smart cities: Traffic information observing over IoT for easy transportation/alternative route selection 

133 Tollgate traffic screen and analyzer utilizing IoT 

134 Battery Powered Heating and Cooling Suit 

135 Energy management in an automated Solar powered water system 

136 Smart home energy management system including renewable energy based on ZigBee 

137 Development of a Cell Phone-Based Vehicle Remote Control System 

138 Passenger BUS Alert System for Easy Navigation of Blind 

139 Remote-Control System of High Efficiency and Intelligent Street Lighting Using a ZigBee Network of Devices and Sensors 

140 managed module for programmed ventilation of vehicle interior 

141 Wind speed measurement and alert system for tunnel fire safety 

142 Traffic Sign Recognition for independent driving robot 

143 Android-based home robotization with fan speed control 

144 Android-based secret key based entryway lock system for modern applications 

145 Android-based notice board (16X2 LCD) 

146 Android-based computerized heartbeat rate and temperature observing system 

147 Android-based with Base Rotation, Elbow and Wrist Motion with a Functional Gripper 

148 Android-based hand gesture based robot control utilizing (mobile inbuilt Micro Electro Sensor) MEMS technology 

149 Android-based multi Terrain Robot to travel on water surface, Indoor and open air uneven surfaces for defense applications 

150 RFID based Airport Luggage security checking system Using Arduino 

151 Arduino Based Automatic Temperature based Fan Speed Controller 

152 Bluetooth based Wireless Device control for Industrial Automation Using Arduino 

153 Design and implementation of most extreme power global positioning framework via programmed control of sunlight based panel direction as per the sun direction (Model Sunflower) Using Arduino 

154 Implementation of sun based water siphon control with four different time spaces for power saving applications Using Arduino 

155 Arduino Based Foot step power generation system for provincial energy application to run AC and DC loads 

156 Solar thruway lighting system with auto mood killer on daytime with LCD show utilizing Arduino 

157 Bluetooth based Robot Control for Metal Detection Applications Using Arduino

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